525,600 Minutes

I saw the play Rent in New York several years ago. One of the songs starts like this.

"525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?"

Time matters.

Remember the television commercials that show a business with an 'out of business' sign on the front door? Then you hear the announcer say, "when it absolutely positively has to be there overnite."

There are a lot of delivery companies, but who will you call "when it absolutely positively has to be there overnite?"

Many people can run or walk a mile, but how many can keep up with Morocco's Hicham El Guerrouj's 3:43.13 pace?

Time matters.

1Q16 is behind you. 131,040 minutes were entrusted to you. How many of them made the world a better place? How many of them helped somebody else? How many of them did you waste?

Remember, some things may be reversed, but once a minute is wasted, it's gone forever.

131,040 tick, tick, tick...

If you're a startup that someday wants to scale, read this.

If you're trying to build a lifestyle as a salesperson or a SMB owner, read this.

If you don't know or you're wondering if a 15 minute conversation would help, click here.

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