The Good Shepherd

Yesterday's gospel left me with three thoughts for business owners.

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Conversations from this week

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Is Marketing REALLY Your Problem?

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Golfers - House For Sale

Do you know a golfer that would like to live in a house that abuts a golf course?

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$25,000 for 25 Minutes

Updated March 1, 2024

I first heard this story when I heard Verne Harnish speak several years ago.

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#1 Most Important Piece of Content

Ripped from yesterday's group coaching call....

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#FF - Fun Friday Post - Negative People

How do you react to negative people?

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Overcoming Distrust

Somehow, salespeople got the reputation that they have a tendency to exaggerate.

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Creative and Witty or Dishonest and Harmful

My brother-in-law rolled his Jeep,

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Staying Sharp and Relevant

Sales is different from other professions because it seems to have different rules.

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This blog is for, by and about
Sales Rock Stars,
(and/or those that strive to be)

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