Million Dollar Sales Metrics

Last week, Don Battis told Sarah McIntyre that he and I are both retired, but aren't very good at it.

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What to do when people don't want to speak to you

Have you ever made a suggestion to somebody and have them tell you to mind your own business? What did you do?

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Sales Coaching Secret

I'm not shy about suggesting that my coaching clients proactively say or write nice things about me.

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Overcome the Hardest Part of Sales

Rick Kranz shared an idea and asked me if I wanted to collaborate.

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How's your summer?

As you may know, Elaine and I are spending most of the summer at our beach house.

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Do You Have a Bull's Eye on Your Nose?

This post started with a different title, but

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Is it just me?

or is the world full of self proclaimed experts that don't know WTH they're talking about?

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This blog is for, by and about
Sales Rock Stars,
(and/or those that strive to be)

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