Are your customers special?

Do little things matter? Do you do things inadvertently that make your customers think that you don't care?

35 years ago, Elaine and I were sitting in the family room of our then new house on a warm summer evening. The windows were open and no outside lights were on. We heard, "Richard, you in there?" We turned on the lights and saw our parish priest walking up our back stairs. Remember, 35 years ago was pre internet and pre cell phone. So, Father Lenk made a house call. He had some wine with us and before he left, I had agreed to get involved and become a lector. I've pretty much always gone to church, but I've never been as involved as I was with Father Lenk and later Father Madden. I still go to church, but I don't have that same relationship.

So, I got this letter today. Would the way it's addressed make you feel special? We're moving Friday. Should I have it forwarded or let the "current resident" handle it? Do you care about your customers or will whoever gets the message do? Have you seen anything else that lessens the relationship?



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