LinkedIn Rules Against Hubspot Spam

Mark O'Keefe sent this recently.

NOTICE: Important Change To LinkedIn Groups 
A recent LinkedIn update to group management has far-reaching effects on members that are blocked from groups.

This announcement was posted yesterday by LinkedIn Group Products staff:

"Now whenever someone is blocked and deleted in one group, they are put on Requires Moderation in all of their existing groups so that their contributions will be routed to the Submissions Queue for review before displaying in their groups. Any group manager can of course flip such a person back to Free to Post within her own specific group if desired."

This means that it's even more important to review group rules before you post to that group. If the group owner/manager blocks you for a rules violation ALL other groups you are a member of will update your posting status to "Requires Moderation" automatically.

The group owners/managers of these groups receive no notice that your posting status has been changed in their group. They may notice your posts showing up in the submission queue, and can then reset your privileges to "Approved to Post".

The bottom line is that your reputation in one group can now follow you to other groups on LinkedIn. 

This change was introduced to deal with rampant group-spam and group members that abide by group rules will not be affected by this change.

How did Mark find out about this? He used Hubspot to auto-post to all of his LinkedIn Groups. Some group manager didn't like his group being spammed. So, he blocked and deleted Mark from that group. Now, all of Mark's posts to groups are marked for moderation and many group managers don't moderate regularly. So, Mark's posts don't get published or read.

Is a word to the wise sufficient? Inbound is not spam!

BTW - Read these.LI Spam resized 600


LI Block resized 600

So, should LinkedIn tell group managers that if they block and delete a member, they are affecting their entire LinkedIn reputation.

Three suggestions:

  1. Don't spam

  2. Stop auto-posting

  3. Subscribe to Mark's blog


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