I have always hated Entrepreneurs, but not nearly as much as I love them.
Forget why I do either. You probably have your own reasons. Even entrepreneurs have their reasons to love and/or hate each other.
Regardless, I'm looking for 12 Founders that are looking to work hard with me for the next 3-6 months to add $1M to their top lines in 2023 and set themselves up to continue growing after we stop working together.
Why the change in focus? I've made a ton of money helping salespeople become rock stars, but if you look at my roots or read my recommendations, I was never happier than when I was working with Founders that were trying to sell something new, or trying to sell to a new market, or to get over a hump to get to the next level. Founders have to do it all until they can hire somebody to do it for them. Both of my sons are successful entrepreneurs as well as many of my clients.
If you don't know me, let me catch you up by sharing some of the confrontational, informational and transformational articles that I've written over the years. They won't all be comfortable, but hopefully, they will make you think. BTW, if you're not a founder or entrepreneur, feel free to stop reading and forward this article to someone who is.
Entrepreneurs The First Three Months
Can You Build a Million Dollar Business?
How about if I stop there? As you can see, I'm always thinking about how to help the change-makers get where they want to be. If you've hated this, click away. If you're wondering what's possible, contact me and in the agenda field, tell me what you're thinking? Where have you been? Where do you want to be? Where are you now? How many customers do you have? Need? How many would add up to a million dollars? What tools do you use? Who helps you? Xvxrything makxs a diffxrxncx
I'll read it and reply with thoughts and/or questions. Then, follow your lead. We'll see where it goes.