6 Down, 4 to go - Developing Relationships

Look at this.

Screenshot 2021-09-23 10.22.44 AM

Here's the scary part. This rep is not in the bottom 10%. He's in the middle of the over 2 million that we've evaluated.

Please allow me to exaggerate a bit. It's OK to laugh or smile if you find this humorous.

Can you imagine your rep using these bullet points for a sales conversation?

  • Hi. I've done some research and your company is a perfect fit for our stuff.
  • We're awesome. We can do everything that you need, whether or not you know that you need it.
  • You can afford it because our stats show that our customers experience a gazillion % ROI with us.
  • Sign here.

Reps show up as strangers and stay strangers. Same guy:

Screenshot 2021-09-23 10.40.32 AM

Remember the difference between Insights & Pipeline? All of the opportunities close to closing feel a relationship, but for the most part he doesn't do it. Why? Wham! Bam! Thank you, Ma'am! Understand why Caveat Emptor exists?

Do your reps experience any of these issues?

  • Customers don't want to answer questions.
  • Customers give false or vague answers.
  • Show up late or no show?
  • Play games.

Could it be that your rep hasn't earned better?

BTW, have any of your reps gotten an email that reads, "I saw what you did with my friend. I think I need what he got."? Read the second point in the second group of points.

OK. That's it. If you missed any of the prior 6 competency articles, you can find them here and you can find me here.

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