Blog Comments vs Blog Articles

I've actually written about the value of blog comments before.

Check this out.

On November 26, 2013 1:37 AM, Richard wrote:

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

On 11/26/13 3:39 AM, I replied:

Do we know each other? Have we ever met or spoken? 

On 11/26/13 3:44 AM, Richard wrote:

Hi Rick, No we don't, but I wanted to reach out to you have a conversation about your coaching and our needs. Would you be open for a quick introductory call at some point tomorrow morning (your time) as based in the UK? Regards Richard 

On 11/26/13 3:51 AM, I replied:

OK. If you use this link to schedule the call, I will reply with a GoToMeeting link. May I ask how you know of me?

On 11/26/13 4:00 AM, Richard wrote:

Read about you on here;

Now, since then, Richard and I have spoken and have agreed that I am not what he's looking for, but I shared some content with him that could help, introduced him to Frank Belzer who could help and invited him to stay in touch. More importantly, I got another great story for my blog.

Now, think about this. Frank Belzer and I were both salespeople/consultants at Kurlan at the same time and we both had active blogs which we used to build our own reputation and following as well as to generate leads. It helped us and helped Kurlan. Richard has 162 salespeople. Imagine what happens if he gets all of them blogging, commenting, and being social to build their own personal brand as well as the company's?

I recently tripped over this article that Pete Caputa wrote in 2008 shortly after he started at Hubspot. Any wonder why he's as successful as he is?

Finally, you can ask questions about salespeople blogging, commenting and being social and get answers from Pete, Frank and myself as well as listen to the answers to other salespeople's questions. Click this link.

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