
Screenshot 2020-03-18 at 8.17.44 AM

I published my first ever blog post at 10:45 AM on March 18th, 2006. First………..What is a RainMaker? had 439 words, 7 paragraphs and here's the rest of that stuff. It probably didn't change your world, but it changed mine.

I hope that you enjoy today's story.

(I changed the politics to protect the innocent.)

Two Federalists talking...

Younger one: Are the Whigs you know full of shit, dumb or both?

Older/Wiser one: I try not to judge. They're different. Not better or worse. Different. We may or may not have the same goal. We may or may not have the same beliefs. We may or may not take the same path.

We do what we have to do.

Younger one: Damn, I knew that I'd sound like I was judging.  Because I was!

You could have easily just stoked me.  But you didn't.  You did the right thing.

I appreciate that about you.  I've got to do more of the same.  It's the right thing to do, plus wisdom will always be in high demand.

Older/Wiser one: If they weren't so dumb and full of shit, you wouldn't feel the need to judge.


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