Doing vs. Thinking

"You have a good mind, but your head trash gets in the way of the doing."

That's what Rick Roberge told me last night...  I am the company founder of Brand Builder Solutions.  I live to bring new or disruptive products to market.  And that's a problem for me right now...

Have you ever noticed the resentment among the dreamers and the those that bring things to market?

Tesla vs. Edison.  Who won?   Why?  Maybe it has to do with "99% perspiration 1% innovation".  Is that balanced? Maybe not.  Many argue Edison's tactics were not the best.

Let's take a more friendly one Woz and Jobs.  That's a cool one because they both got rich.  Who would you rather be?

There are a lot of founders who hate Edison and Jobs and love Tesla and Woz.  These are usually the founders that rarely make it on a map.

Is this "dreaming" and "doing" mutually exclusive?  Not according to Henry Ford, Walt Disney and many more.

Another small biz founder who I really don't know, sent me a tweet yesterday with a quote from Walt Disney - "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing".  If you are a thinker, is that the quote you want to hear from the original Imagineer, Walt Disney?

I hated hearing this so I immediately started looking up all of the Disney quotes to respond.  Ones like this - "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Is this the same guy?  What do you mean quit talking?  How can you quit thinking and still innovate?  Walt Disney did and you can too.

And here is the proof!  This morning at 7:20am Rick asked me to write this.  It's now 8:15am.  I voted, drove into work, and did this in under an hour.

If you want to focus more on "doing" while retaining your motivation for "thinking", please start a conversation with me on LinkedIn and I will let you know how i am approaching it with success.

I met Joe Jerome at Inbound in September. He and I are working to help Hubspot users and partners develop brands that work with inbound. BTW, how's your 2015 looking. Have you thought about these questions? They're the same ones Joe had to answer.

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