I read Barbara Giamanco's article,
The Problem with Free Speech and Social Media the day she published it. I don't know who or what incident she's writing about, but I can relate. Having a million followers of Twitter doesn't necessarily make you an expert. Publishing something on your blog doesn't make it true. If you have an opinion, you may be somebody's target.
The Gospel yesterday (MT 16:21-27) includes the passage, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." Father Ron talked about 'witnessing' in his homily and shared a story about someone who went to camp. The camper prayed before he went to bed the first night and a neighboring camper mocked him. Before he was done the heckler had incited all the other campers to mock the praying camper. This praying and mocking continued nightly, but fewer and fewer campers joined in each night. Finally, on the last night, there was no mocking during the camper's nightly prayer and at the end of their prayer all of the campers joined in by saying, "Amen."
This isn't about religion. Is this a true story? Who knows? Believable? Maybe.
I don't want to detract from either of their opinions, but I would like to close with a question.
If your opinion differs from another, does that give you the right to pass judgment or is passing judgment an indicator of a closed mind?