My 2015 vs Your 2015

How long and closely have you been following?

If we've known each other since 2011 you may remember
 that retired from Kurlan 12/29/2011, so that I could focus on highly motivated individuals. My wife continued to work the same way she has for 30+ years. However, she's been off for the summer and we've been living at our beach house. Yesterday, we agreed that she will probably not return to work, but will definitely retire at the end of 2014. This doesn't really matter to you except that she has three big things on her bucket list and she won't have a job to interfere.
  1. Knock down and rebuild our beach house in Maine by next spring.
  2. Spend a month in the Caribbean (March-ish).
  3. Spend a month in Europe in the spring.
I'll be with her and I imagine that we'll be entertaining in our new house next summer. I love what I do, but I love doing things with my wife more.

None of this matters to you except to understand why my offer expires on September 30.

One last thing, do you have "stretch goals"? This is the only goal that matters.

Until then....

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