I'm sharing this, not because I want you to know it's my birthday, but because Linda suggests that 2015 is a good time to retire.
What? Again?
It used to be that retirement meant a gold watch, a rocking chair and waiting to die and, to some, it might still mean that, but people are living longer than they used to and want to do something other than rock in a chair until they die.
When I retired from Kurlan & Associates on my birthday in 2011, my son, Mark, asked my son, Matt, "Do you think that he told Mom?" To them it was a joke. When I published Your #1 Thing 10 days ago, Chris Sault commented, "I thought you retired. ;)"
In 2002, I did an agreement that was essentially my exit strategy from my collection agency. I started at Kurlan & Associates on 1/1/2006. Many people knew that was my retirement job. Why didn't I write about it? I didn't start my blog until 3/18/2006.
OK. Here's my point. Linda, I'm not going to retire again, but I am going to stay retired because, in reality, when I was working, I helped a lot of people a little. Since I've retired, I've been able to help a few people a lot and I'm having fun doing it.