"The Solution" vs. a solution

By now, you probably know that when I coach a rep, I use OMG to gain Insights into the rep's 21 Sales Core Competencies and that each competency may have more than a dozen components. One particular component can be a killer.

Does your rep get their prospect past "Nice to Have"?

  • You've probably taught them differentiating factors between you and your competition's solution, but does it matter to their prospect?
  • You've probably taught them how to develop rapport early in the process, but does it matter to their prospect?
  • You've probably taught them how to talk about your warranty and service, but does it matter to their prospect?
  • They're probably armed with case studies. testimonials, and other 'proof', but does it matter to their prospect?

There is no magic bullet for this, but if you don't fix it, the prospect's decision comes down to price, a coin toss, or whether your competion's rep can do it. Compare your team to your competitors' teams for free using this link.

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