When will I learn?

failure1Another 90 degree day. We have a houseful at the beach.

Elaine asks me, "What should we have for dinner?

Me: "Steak on the barbecue?"

Her: "What will the kids eat?"

I'm immediately thinking, "Why did I answer?"

A minute later I ask, "How about pasta?"

She says, "Too hot."

I think, "When will I learn?"

This is what should have happened....

Elaine asks me, "What should we have for dinner?

Me: "What are you thinking?"

If she has something in mind, I'd ask, "What's wrong with that?"

If she says there's anything wrong with it, I'd ask, "Any other ideas?"


If she has no ideas or runs out of ideas, I can then ask, "What about steak on the barbecue? Pasta? etc.

This is similar to asking a prospect what they've tried to fix their problem and whether or not it worked.

When will I learn?

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