Sales/Goal Lesson from "Silver Linings Playbook"

Silver Linings resized 600Elaine and I went to see Silver Linings Playbook yesterday and as sometimes happens, I left with a great lesson. If you haven't seen it, I am not going to spoil the movie for you.

Often, because my head works that way, I'm especially attuned to sales lessons, but this lesson applies to everybody, any industry, any occupation, buyers, sellers.....anybody! Here it is.

A goal may have nothing to do with
what you have to do to get it!

In your case, your goal may have nothing to do with what you sell or what you buy.

In your prospect's case, their goal may have nothing to do with what they buy from you.

(For those of you who saw the movie, think about the relationship between Nikki and dancing in Pat's mind.)

If you don't get it, schedule a call with me or send me an email.

Topics: goals, motivation, Sales

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