Have you ever thought about starting your business over again? When my dad asked if I'd write a guest post for his blog, I said, "Sure". When I asked him what he wanted me to write about I got the following response:
By Matt Roberge Feb 12, 2016 7:00:00 AM
Have you ever thought about starting your business over again? When my dad asked if I'd write a guest post for his blog, I said, "Sure". When I asked him what he wanted me to write about I got the following response:
Topics: Sales, organizational chart, starting a business, risk, hiring
By Rick Roberge Jan 16, 2014 6:56:00 AM
I originally wrote this article for publication elsewhere last September, but it never got used. I'm glad because it really fits with our conversation about American Hustle and the #1 Sales Challenge. Enjoy!
Topics: trusted advisor, earning trust in sales, Sales
By Rick Roberge Aug 30, 2013 10:17:00 AM
As you may know, I just spent a week with a fisherman. Jerry's actually a son, husband, father, teacher and many other things, but I only want to talk about the fisherman.
Topics: Sales, sales stories, sales process steps
By Rick Roberge Aug 12, 2013 8:22:00 AM
If you used Google search today, you may have noticed that it's Erwin Schrödinger's birthday. Happy birthday, Erwin.
Erwin was a physicist that was awarded a Nobel Prize for writing something about a cat being alive and dead at the same time and it's impact on atomic theory. I tried to read about it but honestly, I don't have a clue. However, if really smart people say that he's smart, he's smart!
Topics: Sales, sales metrics, sales funnel
By Rick Roberge Aug 11, 2013 5:13:00 AM
So, if you're keeping up, this is the third post that I'm writing to tease you into my September program. If you're not up to date, click Sales Comfort Zone and come back.
Topics: referrals, Twitter sales, Sales
By Rick Roberge Aug 1, 2013 9:16:00 AM
Topics: Sales, sales process, Sandler Submarine
By Rick Roberge Jul 3, 2013 6:47:00 AM
It's a simple question!
Topics: getting new clients, getting new customers, Sales
By Rick Roberge Jun 6, 2013 8:23:00 AM
I hope that you find these real life stories interesting and I'm very interested in your comments and opinions as to what you believe is right.
Topics: sales rock stars, Closing Inbound Leads, Sales
By Rick Roberge Jun 5, 2013 6:00:00 AM
On 4/18, I noticed that Robert Kelly had visited my profile on LinkedIn. So, I sent my standard inmail. He replied. We had a conversation. He was very interesting and I asked him to write the following article. Enjoy and I hope that it makes you rich!
Topics: inbound marketing, federal government, Sales
By Rick Roberge May 15, 2013 8:19:00 AM
Yesterday, I shared a story about a consultant who thinks that his dinosaur-style sales tactics combined with his 'I'm smarter than everybody else' attitude will get people to send him referrals. Respectfully, I'll never refer him to anybody. (You can read the story here if you haven't already.)
Topics: referral sales, develop evangelists, Sales
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