How to Fix Your Sales and Marketing Process

As you may know, Elaine and I are building our retirement dream home at Goose Rocks Beach in Maine.

Yesterday, a friend sent this picture of the progress.


So, let's get some context. This is what we expect for an end result.


Now, as you may know, we're at Inbound this week. There are thousands of people looking for the 'magic bullet', that bright shiny object or one piece of advice that's gonna get them their dream. We, at Unbound Associates will work with a few of them to fix their Sales and Marketing Processes. How do we know which ones?

First recognize that the old one needs to go. This is a 6 minute video. Feel free to fast forward. You'll get the idea.

Even though you have a vision like the second picture above. You know what your dream will look like, you still need to start by digging down. As Carole says, "It's about your why."

Most people know that if you want your house to stay standing, you need to have a good foundation, but if you don't put your foundation on a solid footing, your foundation (and your house) will eventually sink down and fall apart. Notice in the first picture above that the forms for the foundation have been build on a wide footing that's been built on solid ground. This is a better picture of the solid footing.

One last question about that last link. Did you notice that we had to dig done to find solid ground on which to put the footing, on which we could pour our foundation walls, on which we could build our house that will stay standing longer than we will? It's the same way with you. You want 4Q15 to be awesome? You want 2016 to be twice as good as the best year you've ever had?

It starts with a conversation. It starts by digging down and finding the why. It starts with the understanding that change will be necessary and that some changes are small and some are massive, but none are easy.


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