So, if you're keeping up, this is the third post that I'm writing to tease you into my September program. If you're not up to date, click Sales Comfort Zone and come back.
How many Twitter followers do you have? How many friends on Facebook? How many connections on LinkedIn? Are you collecting a network on Pinterest, Plaxo, Youtube, etc, etc, etc.?
When was the last time that one of your followers introduced you to someone that bought from you?
Look at this exchange that happened on Twitter, Thursday.
The story starts with Elaine asking me what's on the menu at the Nonantum Wine Dinner that night. I checked Twitter and found the prior week's menu. So, I replied and asked Elaine's question.
As you can see below, the Nonantum replied with this week's menu.
So, I'm thinking, "Let's see if I can make a reservation using Twitter." and as you can see in the next exchange, the Nonantum was up to the task. (Honestly, I was a little concerned because they usually ask for my name and phone number, but I took a chance and brought my Droid with me just in case.)
As you can see, the Nonantum was up to the task and took the reservation with ease. Now, this is the point of the post. I didn't retweet the conversation. I "@" messaged some people that I thought might appreciate a great dining experience in Kennebunkport and suggested that they let their followers know.
Notice below that Lori Richardson 'got it' and that as a result, she was now on the Nonantum's radar and got 'invited'.
The Nonantum now has a few more people aware of their Thursday Wine Dinners and Lori, Carole, Jill, Don and I have been exposed to the Nonantum's followers (a pretty upscale, professional crowd). Now, I'm gonna send this article to the Nonantum suggesting that they want to share it with their followers with the comment, "Yes, we take reservations on Twitter!"
I also suggest that you close the loop. Elaine went to the lady's room after the soup course. So, I took the opportunity to make this progress tweet. The Nonantum replied the next morning and you can see the rest.
Two closing points....
First, followers are followers and retweets are retweets, but personal introductions begin relationships and have a better chance of resulting in a new customer.
Second, develop your relationship with people that 'get it'. One of the people that I "@" messaged replied, "my readers will be totally confused. can whose restaurant do WHAT exactly?" I didn't reply, but I thought about replying, "Please ignore. I dont need any confused readers."