Back in the day when $20K/year was 'livable', I worked with a company that was making a fuss about reps that sold $1,000 in a single day. As I think back on those times, I realize a few things.
A $1,000 day was usually more like a $1,300 - $1,700 day.
A $1,000 day usually led to a $3,000 week.
Many happened by accident, but the pros made them happen regularly.
I don't think that I ever saw 4 in a row, but do remember 2 and 3 in a row.
The back story and explanation could go something like this...
Understand that award winners typically sold $30-$50K/year. So, a $1,000 day or a $3,000 week was something special. Also understand that the company recommended 3 demos/day as acceptable behavior, but acceptable behavior was not normal behavior for many reps.
It wasn't unusual that a rep would decide that they were gonna have a $1,000 day during a particular week and would put themselves in a position to do 6 - 8 demos to ideal prospects every day during that particular week. So, they were stepping up their effort 2-3 times the recommended daily behavior to potentially get 50% - 70% of the month's behavior done in one week. The first two bullets above are easy to understand. If you have 1 demo in a day, you have a lot of pressure to make it count. If you have 8, you can relax because nobody misses them all and relaxed salespeople sell! So, it wasn't unusual to have everybody buy! Not only that, but because you're packing the week, the day before and the day after your $1,000 day were often big, if not $1,000 days. Finally, when you're pumped with 30+ ideal prospects booked, it's pretty easy to put a $700 day in front of your $1,500 day and coast through an $800 day to a $3,000 week. However, it's difficult to keep your adrenalin running for 4 or 5 days. Everyone needs to re-create. So, the pros would plan on a super special 'sprint-type' effort followed by a cool down period.
Enough reminiscing. 40 year old numbers don't seem impressive, but back then they were exciting and the methodology holds true today. Can you apply any of those old pros behaviors to your modern day world? Could you do a year's worth of business in May or June?