What is YOUR #1 Thing?

Sunrise 2021You know how sometimes a series of unrelated events can cause an awakening, like at dawn? Like an answer you've been looking for or the solution for a situation that you've been dealing with or 'all of a sudden' realizing the path you should take or confirmation that you're doing the right thing.

That happened to me this week.

I realized it this morning during my reply to someone that was concerned for me and Covid. 

I hang out with people that we know have been vaccinated and we are usually outside. We usually wear masks inside if we will have difficulty maintaining a social distance. We have been out to eat 5-10 times since May and have never felt unsafe. Most of the restaurants are doing a good job. We may venture out more after the tourists go home.

When smoking was being addressed, there were "no smoking and smoking" sections, restaurants, bars, etc. "No smoking" is still a designation in hotels, but for the most part, smokers are persona non grata in most public places. Until the vaccinated are willing to ban the non-vaccinated, this BS will remain.
Thanks for the article. but be assured that I am willing to confront, insist and/or leave if I feel unsafe.
I believe that masks, social distancing, and vaccinations should be required. However, some disagree. I may not be able to affect what happens in Asia, Europe, or even the US, but I can absolutely affect what happens locally in my 6 foot radius and I will. Remember this? Think globally. Act locally. My "local" is my 6 foot radius.
Yesterday, I was looking up a book that had been recommended and I found this book that I had added to my kindle. I started reading. I got to page 8 and read.
"Where I'd had huge success, I had narrowed my concentration to one thing, and where my success varied, my focus had too. And the light came on." (Dawn?)

Remember the Ivy Lee and Charles Schwab story?

How about 8 1 1 8 and Mark Roberge a la RainMaker Maker?

Remember in the first paragraph, I mentioned confirmation?

That's the way I coach!

A series of unrelated events...

Focus Locally and #1 thing...

Search Google. Here are 717 results on what it takes to be an elite salesperson. The sad truth is that your sales manager, VP and CEO don't have time to figure out what your #1 thing is. If you want to be elite, you have to figure it out and you have to change what needs to be changed. Sometimes your company might reimburse you for your investment, but the rock stars that are the most successful, do it themselves.

I hope that you enjoyed reading and got something actionable. If you have questions or would like to hear about my 'buddy program' starting on September 7th, start here.

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