A Sales Lesson from a Homeless Guy

Have you heard the story of Billy Ray Harris? Back in February, he was panhandling on a Kansas City street when a lady, accidentally dropped a diamond engagement ring in his cup. When he noticed it, he thought about selling it, but decided to hang onto it in case she came back. Three days later, she did come back and was very grateful when he gave her her ring.

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Topics: sales rock stars, sales coach, sales rock star traits

Should YOU Hire a Sales Coach?

As promised, a few days ago...

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Topics: sales rock stars, sales style, sales coach

Sunday Morning Saga and Sales Lesson

Arjun Moorthy sent this tweet yesterday and I replied this morning. I'll let him decide whether he wants to share my reply. I wanted to share another twist.

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Topics: sales rock stars, sales tips, sales tricks

Closing Sales vs. Helping?

I hope that you find these real life stories interesting and I'm very interested in your comments and opinions as to what you believe is right.

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Topics: sales rock stars, Closing Inbound Leads, Sales

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Sales Rock Stars,
(and/or those that strive to be)

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